Computer-Telephone Integration Solutions
4-10 Issue 5 January 1998
Tandem Computers Incorporated and Lucent Technologies have announced
development of an applications interface to link Tandem NonStop fault-tolerant
computer systems and the DEFINITY ECS. This agreement lets both companies
offer new applications and benefits resulting from an integrated interface from
Lucent Technologies systems to Tandem computers. Tandem’s Call Applications
Manager lets users collect incoming-call information, such as a caller’s phone
and account numbers, from a database within seconds.
Hewlett-Packard has also announced a product for its Applied Computerized
Telephone product line to connect HP 3000 and HP 9000 computers to DEFINITY
ECS. The product supports Lucent Technologies Adjunct Switch Applications
Interface in client/server implementations.
Global Information Services has implemented a computer telephone integration
server for the microchannel midrange line of products. The GIS server 3000 is
based on ASAI code licensed from Lucent Technologies to facilitate
implementation of new features. Working with several application vendors, GIS
will support other systems beyond DEFINITY using a middleware-based link.
A Software Developer’s Kit is available from Lucent Technologies that implements
the ASAI interface for UNIX or Solaris® x86/Intel servers. The licensed software is
bundled with an application package and re-sold to end users. This offering is
primarily licensed to independent software vendors, value-added resellers, and
systems integrators. Some technically advanced end users are also using the
developer’s kit.
Lucent Technologies will continue to develop agreements with other vendors,
continually enhancing your investment in Lucent Technologies technology.
Contact your local Lucent Technologies representative to get the latest
information on switch-to-host products that you can use to improve your bottom
Lucent Technologies PassageWay products bring the telephone and the per-
sonal computer together into an integrated voice and data workstation that can
greatly enhance communications. With PassageWay, you can efficiently process
calls while accessing powerful voice and data features. It also permits you to
connect to a variety of host computers and other PCs through the networking
strengths of DEFINITY ECS. PassageWay provides error-free data transfer
between your personal computers and other shared resources. You can even
create your own applications to take advantage of the PassageWay connection.