A-18 Issue 5 January 1998
External Device Alarming
Allows you to assign analog ports to alarm interfaces for external devices. You
can specify a port location, information to identify the external device, and the
alarm level to report when a contact closure occurs.
Facility Busy Indication
Allows users of multi-appearance telephones to see which lines, trunk groups,
terminating extension groups, hunt groups, or paging zones (called resources or
facilities) are busy. When the lamp associated with the resource is lit, the
resource is busy.
You can store extension numbers, trunk group access codes, and Loudspeaker
Paging access codes in a Facility Busy Indication button. The Facility Busy
Indication button provides direct access to any of the facilities.
Facility Test Calls
Allows telephone users to make test calls to access specific trunks, dual tone
multifrequency receivers, time slots, and system tones. The user dials an access
code and makes the test call to make sure the facility is operating properly. Secu-
rity measures are included to prevent unauthorized use.
Fiber Link Administration
Port cabinets are connected via direct fiber links or through fiber links to a
center-stage switch to provide the connections required for voice and data infor-
mation transfer. The center-stage switch is composed of switch node carriers that
are interconnected by fiber links. It provides both circuit-switched and
packet-switched connections. Fiber Link Administration creates the translation
data defining these links by identifying the endpoint pairs for each link. Endpoints
can be an expansion interface or a switch-node-interface circuit pack.
Go to Cover
Allows users who call another internal extension to send the call directly to cover-
Group Listen
Simultaneously activates your speakerphone in listen only mode and your hand-
set or headset in listen and speak mode. This allows you to serve as spokesper-
son for a group. You can participate in a conversation while everyone else in the
room is listening to what is said.