Multimedia Solutions
11-8 Issue 5 January 1998
You control the conference via a desktop keypad that easily turns the system on
or off, dials the call, adjusts the audio volume, selects the video source, and posi-
tions the camera. The camera in most models has an auto-focus lens, plus zoom,
pan, and tilt capabilities that let users move the camera to follow conferees as
they move around the room. Optional capabilities include remote control of the
far-end camera and camera presets that let conferees set up to eight camera
positions — four local and four remote — each accessible at the touch of a but-
An automatic feature of most Group Video System models is the use of a window
(picture in a picture) for previewing, so you can see what your camera sees as
well as what the far-end camera sees. The window also permits simultaneous
viewing of far-end video and still-image graphics.
Group Video Systems are available in a variety of models that can accommodate
an office, small meeting room, or even a spacious boardroom. All models have
colour monitors, with dual monitors available on most for simultaneous viewing of
video and high-resolution still images. The systems available are:
■ The System 1000 — Quality, inexpensive group video products:
— Model 30
— For small group or individual meetings.
— Model 50
— For medium to large group meetings.
■ The Venue 2000 — A relatively inexpensive system with an enhanced
user interface.
■ The System 4000EX — The industry’s most popular high performance
— Model 200
— The office system: modular, portable, and well-suited
for small offices and conference rooms.
— Model 200
— The cart system: a larger, portable system on
■ The Concorde 4500 — A highly advanced system offering superior
transmission quality and unparalleled ease-of-use.
Telephone add-on is an option on all models. This enables you to add a voice
conferee to the video conference. Other options include security codes,
freeze-frame graphics, and video cassette recording.
The monitors can accommodate both the U.S. National Television System Com-
mittee standard and PAL, the European 625-line standard, providing global com-
patibility for your visual communication needs.