Network Management Features
Issue 5 January 1998
International Direct Distance Dialed calls generally consist of an international
access code, a country code, and a national number. Both codes may vary in
length. DEFINITY ECS support for International Direct Distance Dialed calls elim-
inates any restriction on the grouping and format of digits on Automatic Route
Selection numbers. Call routing is determined by the digits and the length of the
dialed number.
Multinational World Class Automatic Alternate Routing allows the Automatic Alter-
nate Routing number (Electronic Tandem Network number) to be any number of
digits in length.
Digit conversion can be used to reroute numbers, initially dialed to use Automatic
Route Selection, to be converted to use Automatic Alternate Routing and vice
versa. This utility can analyses a maximum of 18 digits. In this way, destinations
in a customer’s network can be called using the public network number. This fea-
ture can also be used to reroute certain Direct Distance Dialed destinations to
specified alternate destinations (such as intercept, attendant, or another Direct
Distance Dialed number).
Network Management Features
DEFINITY ECS has a variety of features that enable you to manage your network
resources effectively. Here are just a few examples of DEFINITY ECS features
that can be used to manage your network — Time of Day Routing, Automatic
Route Selection, Automatic Alternate Routing, Additional Network Feature Path
Replacement, Look Ahead Routing, Subnetwork Trunking, Generalized Route
Selection, Facility Restriction Level, Bearer Capacity Class, Remote Network
Access, Public Network Call Priority, and Authorization Codes.
Time of Day Routing
Time of Day Routing allows you to select the most economical routing of Auto-
matic Route Selection and Automatic Alternate Routing calls based on the time of
day and week a call is made.
With Time of Day Routing, your company can take advantage of lower calling
rates during specific times. If your company has locations in different time zones,
you can maximize the use of your public or private network facilities by utilizing
those in the location that has the lowest calling rates at the particular time a call is
made. You can also use this feature to change the routing patterns when an
office is closed and to eliminate unauthorized calls. You can set up eight sepa-
rate time of day charts to control routing at different times of the day.