Issue 5 January 1998 14-1555-230-024
System Management Solutions
Managing a powerful communications system like DEFINITY ECS was once a for-
midable task, requiring specially trained administrators who could operate com-
plex programming tools. But, as the capabilities of systems become more
sophisticated, so too have the tools that administer them.
DEFINITY ECS offers a variety of easy-to-use modular tools for managing your
system. Whether your system is small or large, stand-alone or networked, DEFIN-
ITY ECS has the tools to efficiently manage that system.
Terminal and facility administration features allow you to administer telephones,
computers, facilities, and features throughout your system or network. Traffic
management features allow you to measure, manage, and report on the voice
and data communications traffic throughout your system or network. Mainte-
nance features allow you to view the health of your system and perform mainte-
nance procedures on your own system, if you choose to do so.
This broad system management philosophy extends DEFINITY ECS’s power and
flexibility into the tools for managing the system. These tools are based on the
user-friendly architecture which is the hallmark of DEFINITY products. The sys-
tem management capabilities of DEFINITY ECS have been enhanced to accom-
modate all configurations.
Some applications and products are unavailable in some countries. Please
check with your local distributor for further information about which features
and applications are available to you.