Basic Features
Issue 5 January 1998
Attendant Call Waiting
Allows an attendant to let a single-line telephone user who is on the phone know
that a call is waiting. The attendant is then free to answer other calls. The atten-
dant hears a call waiting ringback tone and the busy telephone user hears a call
waiting tone. This tone is heard only by the called telephone user.
Attendant Calling of Inward Restricted Stations
A telephone with a Class of Restriction that is inward restricted cannot receive
public network, attendant-originated, or attendant-extended calls. This feature
allows you to override this restriction.
Attendant Console
A digital call-handling station with push-button control used not only to answer
and place calls, but also to manage and monitor some system operations.
Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access
Allows an attendant to control trunk groups and prevents telephone users from
directly accessing a controlled trunk group. This allows the attendant to monitor
the use of these trunk groups. By watching the lamps associated with the trunk
groups, the attendant can determine if the number of busy trunks in a specific
trunk group has reached a preset warning level and if all trunks in a specific trunk
group are busy. The attendant can then handle other calls to these trunk groups
Attendant Crisis Alert
Visibly and audibly alerts attendants when an emergency call is placed. The fea-
ture indicates from where an emergency call is made, which allows the attendant
to direct emergency-service response to the caller. Though often used in the hos-
pitality industry, it can be set up to work with any standard attendant console.
Audible alerting sounds like an ambulance siren. Visual alerting consists of
flashing of the crisis-alert button lamp and display of the caller name and
extension. When crisis alerting is active, the console is placed in position-busy
mode so that no other incoming calls interfere with the emergency call. The
console can still originate calls. The attendant must press the position-busy
button to unbusy the console and the crisis-alert button to deactivate audible and
visual alerting.