Desktop Solutions
10-8 Issue 5 January 1998
three-way conference using the switchhook or flash button. You can access
DEFINITY ECS voice features by either entering access codes from your
touch-tone keypad or pressing feature buttons. Several models of analog tele-
phones are available.
DCP Telephones
Digital DCP telephones using the Digital Communications Protocol employ digital
transmission for integrated voice and data signals and control signals. Transmis-
sion is over a connection consisting of one or two two pairs of wires. Each con-
nection supports one signalling channel and two information (voice and data)
DCP telephones are used most effectively by those who have a high volume of
calls, require access to multiple applications or databases, use switch features
heavily, or require messaging services. These telephones can be used with per-
sonal computers to expand their capabilities.
These telephones provide the full range of DEFINITY ECS features on your desk-
top. In addition to multiline and multifunction capabilities, they provide access to
integrated voice and data applications and messaging services. Some models
include displays. DCP telephones can actually save you money by reducing the
number of lines, modems, and ports that would normally be needed for analog
ISDN BRI Telephones
Like the digital DCP telephones, ISDN telephones transmit voice, data, and con-
trol signals digitally. With the ISDN telephones, however, the transmission
employs the world-wide standard BRI protocol between the switch and the tele-
Also like the DCP telephones, these telephones can be used with personal com-
puters to expand their digital capabilities. DEFINITY ECS’s family of ISDN tele-
phones includes several models that have unique features such as call logs and
personal directories.
Telephones for the Global Marketplace
With help from our many global customers, Lucent Technologies has developed
the 8400, 9400, and 6400 series telephones to meet the demand for two-wire
telephones in the global marketplace. The 6400 series telephones are the latest
8400 Series Telephones
The 8400 digital telephones are versatile two-wire/four-wire Digital Communica-
tions Protocol (DCP) telephones with new styling that offer new flexibility and cost
savings. They automatically detect whether they are plugged into a two-wire or