Call Center Documents
Issue 5 January 1998
BCS Products Security Handbook, Issue 6
, 555-025-600
Provides information about the risks of telecommunications fraud and measures
for addressing those risks and preventing unauthorized use of BCS products.
This document is intended for telecommunications managers, console operators,
and security organizations within companies.
Release 6—
Terminals and Adjuncts Reference, Issue 9
Provides descriptions of the peripheral equipment that can be used with System
75, System 85, DEFINITY Communications System, and DEFINITY ECS. This
document is intended for customers and Lucent Technologies account teams for
selecting the correct peripherals to accompany an ECS. The Release 5 version of
this document applies to Release 6 as well.
Telephone Guide Builder, Issue 4
, 555-230-755
Provides capability to produce laser-printed documentation for specific
telephones. The software is supported by a comprehensive user’s guide and
on-line help. This product requires a 386 PC, minimum of 6MB disk space,
minimum of 4MB RAM, a printer supported by Microsoft GDI printer drive, and
Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher. A mouse is recommended. This document
applies to Release 6 as well as earlier DEFINITY systems.
Call Center Documents
These documents are issued for DEFINITY ECS Call Center applications.
Call Vectoring/EAS Guide, Issue 1
, 585-230-521
Provides information on how to write, use, and troubleshoot vectors, which are
command sequences that process telephone calls in an Automatic Call
Distribution (ACD) environment. This document applies to Release 6 as well as
earlier DEFINITY systems.
It is provided in two parts: tutorial and reference. The tutorial provides
step-by-step procedures for writing and implementing basic vectors. The
reference includes detailed descriptions of the call vectoring features, vector
management, vector administration, adjunct routing, troubleshooting, and
interactions with management information systems (including the Call
Management System).