Performance Measurements
Issue 5 January 1998
■ Class-of-Service report lists the extensions that have a particular Class of
Service value or that fall within a range of Class of Service values.
■ Site Data report lists, by extension, the site data associated with stations in
the system. Ranging and filtering capabilities are provided for selected
site fields.
Performance Measurements
A number of performance measurements are available on DEFINITY ECS. These
measurements are available in the form of switch-based reports for local or
remote access, and can be collected for subsequent analysis and reporting by
adjuncts and operation support systems using the operation support system
interface protocol. These reports include:
■ Call Coverage reports, which display measurements of the distribution of
traffic offered to call-coverage groups. Separate reports for all calls and
external calls are supplied. Each report has sections that define group
attributes, provide a summary of coverage-group call dispositions, and
show the disposition of traffic at each coverage point. You can select
which coverage groups are monitored via administration. The fields are as
— Group Attributes report the group number, number of principals,
number and type of station (extension, Automatic Call Distribution)
at each coverage point, and the number of ring cycles before the
call is advanced to the next coverage point.
— Summary reports the number of calls offered, advanced to
coverage, answered, and abandoned before being answered for all
calls offered to the group and for external calls offered to the group.
■ Coverage Points, which differs based on whether “All Calls” or “External
Calls” is selected. The “All Calls” report shows detail data for all calls to
the group; the “External Calls” report shows detail data for only the
external calls offered to the group. For each coverage point in the group,
the number of calls offered, abandoned while at that coverage point, and
overflowing to the next coverage point are listed.
These measurements can be used to engineer group sizes at coverage points
and to detect station user abuse of the call-coverage feature.
■ Processor Occupancy report, which provides summary information on
how heavily the processor is loaded. It includes fields giving peg counts of
the number of various call types and total calling rates for the
measurement period. The data fields of this report are:
— Processor occupancy for call processing (including the link
subsystem) plus system management processes
— Call processing (including the link subsystem), system
management, and packet interface processor occupancy