System Management Solutions
14-6 Issue 5 January 1998
Concurrent User Sessions
In order to increase the efficiency of administration and maintenance functions,
the DEFINITY ECS switch accommodates multiple concurrent administration and
maintenance user sessions. Three or more devices (management terminals or
operation support systems) can be connected to the switch to perform adminis-
tration and/or maintenance tasks simultaneously. DEFINITY ECS supports eight
concurrent administration and maintenance users — five can perform concurrent
administration, and three can perform concurrent maintenance. The eight con-
current sessions can be in any combination of local and remote connections.
This feature increases the volume of administrative activity that can be performed
in a given time period, allowing administrators to handle peak demand more
Host Interface
Host Interface, a G3-Management Applications capability, gives you direct
access to data residing in the G3-Management Applications database. Using
standard terminal emulation software with the XMODEM interface, you can
retrieve DEFINITY ECS information to populate your own customer-developed
Terminal Administration
DEFINITY ECS includes features that ease, simplify, and accelerate the adminis-
tration process from a terminal.
Administration Without Hardware
Administration without hardware gives you the ability to administer station forms
without specifying a port location. Administered stations will not cause alarms or
errors to be generated when the station is translated but not yet installed. These
station types are referred to as “phantom” stations. Phantom extensions can be
used for Automatic Call Distribution Dialled-Number Identification Service. This
allows a phantom extension to be administered on the switch for each call type
that needs to be identified to agents. The phantom Automatic Call Distribution
extension either is “call forwarded” (via an attendant console) to an Automatic
Call Distribution split or has its coverage path defined to include the Automatic
Call Distribution split. The name field administered for the phantom extension will
identify to the Automatic Call Distribution agent which service the caller is
attempting to reach, allowing the agent to properly address the caller.
Administration Without Hardware also supports the ability to store station tem-
plates (models). These can later be used with the duplicate station command to
implement many station forms of the same type in the switch.