DEFINITY AUDIX Voice Messaging System
Issue 5 January 1998
The entire system is contained on circuit cards, occupying five consecutive slots
in a switch carrier. All the major components are economically mounted onto the
multifunction board using the latest technology in large scale integration circuit
chips and in surface mount fabrication. The components mounted on the board
include the central processing unit, the small computer system interface unit that
supports the tape drive and hard disk, the digital signal processor complexes
that do speech processing, and the time slot interfaces for the switch.
In addition, an alarm board monitors the system power and environmental condi-
tions, holds the disk drive, and includes a built-in modem for remote mainte-
nance. The DEFINITY AUDIX System operates by emulating a switch digital port
Reliability and Security
In keeping with its commitment to assist clients in combating toll fraud, Lucent
also designed the DEFINITY AUDIX System with security precautions against
fraudulent access attempts. For example, the system only allows a transfer of
calls to other voice mail subscribers. When a caller reaches the system and
requests a transfer out, the system first checks the requested extension number
against its subscriber database. If the extension number is not in the database,
the transfer attempt is denied. Additionally, mailbox passwords can contain as
many as 15 digits.
The alarm board on the DEFINITY AUDIX system has its own processor that
allows maintenance and diagnostic access if the main processor fails. A liquid
crystal display on the unit lets on-site technicians check system status. There
also is a robust set of built-in diagnostics that technicians can access either
on-site or remotely through a built-in modem. A special alarm-originating feature
helps speed problem diagnosing and correction.
The system routinely performs self diagnostics. If it detects a problem. it automat-
ically dials a Technical Service Center and produces a detailed alarm message
with diagnostic specifics. The Technical Service Center staff responds quickly via
the built-in modem to perform further diagnostics, isolate the problem. and take
corrective action. As a back-up, the DEFINITY AUDIX system can send an alarm
message to the switch.