Chapter 6 LightField and Gated Operation 109
10. Open the SuperSYNCHRO Timing expander (located above the Status bar.)
See Figure 6-13.
Figure 6-13: Typical SuperSYNCHRO Timing Expander
Perform the following procedure to configure gate timing parameters as indicated:
a. Gating Mode: Sequential
If using a Gen II intensifier, configure Bracket Pulsing to OFF for this experiment.
b. Perform the following procedure to configure the pulse sequence:
• Click on the Number of Frames hyperlink. Enter the number of frames to
be acquired (e.g.,
41 for this experiment.)
• Configure the Starting Gate Width and Ending Gate Width.
Because this experiment requires a fixed gate width, these values will be
the same.
• Starting Gate Delay: 1 s;
• Ending Gate Delay: 201 s;
• Click on the On-CCD Accumulations hyperlink. Enter the number of
On-CCD Accumulations per frame (e.g., 1 for this experiment.)