Chapter 9 LightField and Dual Image Feature 157
4. On the Trigger expander, select Internal or External triggering.
When using External triggering, verify the trigger characteristics on the Trigger
expander match the active trigger edge, etc., for the trigger pulse being used.
When using Internal triggering, perform the following procedure to configure the
Internal Trigger parameters on the SuperSYNCHRO expander:
a. Open the SuperSYNCHRO Timing expander at the bottom of the window.
b. Use the hyperlinks at the top of the expanded panel to make any changes to:
• Intensifier Settings;
• Trigger Settings;
• Phosphor Decay Delay Time;
• Number of Frames (i.e., must be a multiple of 2);
• Readout Mode (i.e., DIF or Full Frame.)
c. When using PI-MAX4-generated internal triggers for DIF acquisition, configure
the Internal Trigger Frequency.
d. Enter the Gate Width and Gate Delay times for the first and second images.
• The Initial Gate Delay time will be 85 µs.
• The Second Gate Delay time will be 441 µs.
e. If required, set up AUX Output Trigger.
f. To have trigger output from the SyncMASTER1 and SyncMASTER2 connectors
on the AUX I/O cable, click on the SyncMASTER ON button. When
SyncMASTER is enabled, the output of the SyncMASTER1 connector will be at
the Internal Trigger Frequency. The SyncMASTER2 output will be at the same
frequency but can be delayed from 0 to 999,700 ns, in 100 ns increments.
5. Verify that the I.I.T. power switch on the rear of the PI-MAX4 is turned ON, and that
Enable Intensifier has been checked on the Common Acquisition Settings
6. When the experiment is ready, click on the ACQ button, or select Acquire on the
Acquisition menu, to start image acquisition.