Warnings and Cautions
When biased ON, intensified CCD cameras, such as the PI-MAX
can be irreparably damaged if continuously exposed to light levels
higher than twice the A/D saturation level. Therefore, it is critical that
conditions not be created which could result in damage to the
intensifier. Although intensified cameras are less prone to damage from
background light when operated in gated mode, they are at significant
risk to damage from high-intensity light sources such as a laser.
High-intensity sources can damage the intensifier before protection
circuits have time to respond, or even cause spot damage without the
protection circuits acting at all. If a sustained alarm indication occurs
when the controller is turned on, either completely cover the intensifier
to reduce the light to halt the overload condition, or further reduce the
laboratory illumination until safe operating conditions have been
To reduce the risk of camera damage, the PI-MAX4 camera is equipped with an audible alarm
in the camera head, activated when the intensity of light falling on the image intensifier
exceeds a preset threshold. While the alarm is sounding, the photocathode is disabled.
Immediately switch the I.I.T. switch (on the back of the PI-MAX4) to the OFF position.
Cover the camera window and only switch the I.I.T. switch to ON after the illumination level
has been lowered. If the alarm sounds continuously even when the illumination level is
adequately low, shut the system down and contact the factory for guidance.
It is normal for the alarm to sound briefly when the system is first
turned on.
Discontinue operation and contact the factory immediately if
sporadic or continuous unwarranted alarms continue. They may
be an indication of intensifier damage or another condition which
may require immediate attention.