Chapter 5 Gate Mode Operation 71
5.8.1 Interline CCD Readout
In this section, a simple 6 x 3 pixel interline CCD, shown in Figure 5-5, is used to
demonstrate how charge is shifted and digitized using a single port.
Figure 5-5: Interline CCD Readout
Two methods of operation, exposure, and readout may occur:
• Overlapped
In overlapped operation, each exposure begins while the readout of the previous
exposure is still in progress.
• Non-Overlapped
In non-overlapped operation, each readout is completed before the next exposure
begins. Non-overlapped operation is automatically selected when the configured
exposure time is shorter than the required readout time.
This process has been divided into four steps:
1. Figure 5-6 illustrates the array early in the exposure cycle. The imaging areas
contain charge proportional to the amount of light integrated on each of them.
The masked (storage) areas are empty because no charge has been transferred to
them. The arrows between adjacent imaging and masked areas indicate the
direction the charge will be shifted when the transfer occurs.
Imaging area
Masked area
CCD Array
Dual Port Readout
Single Port Readout
NodeReadout Register