Chapter 5: Gate Mode Operation
The purpose of the First Light chapter was to guide a user through initial system
configuration and verification. The step-by-step procedures provided appropriate
configuration settings without explaining why those settings had been selected.
This chapter provides detailed information about factors affecting
Gate Mode operation of a
PI-MAX4 system including:
• Dark charge;
• Clean cycles;
• Continuous cleans;
• Exposure modes;
• Readout;
• Digitization;
• Software binning; and
• Background subtraction.
Factors which pertain to a specific intensifier mode and pulser are described in the
appropriate chapter.
5.1 Data Acquisition Sequence
When data is acquired, the CCD array is exposed to an incoming signal which is then
integrated on the array. At the end of the exposure (may include multiple gates,) the charge
from the array pixels must be read out, digitized, and transferred to the computer before the
image from the array appears on the computer screen. This sequence is shown in Figure 5-1.