Chapter 14: PI-MAX4: EM Family
The PI-MAX4: EM family of scientific intensified EMCCD (emICCD) camera systems
features frame transfer EMCCDs that are fiber-optically coupled with a variety of Gen II
and Gen III filmless intensifiers.
WinX provides limited support of advanced PI-MAX4: EM
features. LightField should be used in order to use all features
available on the PI-MAX4: EM camera. Therefore, all
procedures within this chapter are LightField-specific.
The intensifiers offer the highest available sensitivity from UV through NIR. The dual-gain
mechanism (unique to these cameras) with optional picosecond gating capability and an
integrated programmable timing generator (SuperSYNCHRO) built into the camera make
emICCD cameras ideal for photon counting, time-resolved imaging and spectroscopy
applications. PI-MAX4: EM cameras are the only emICCD cameras in the market today to
offer both high frame rate at 10MHz/16-bit digitization, 1 MHz sustained gating repetition
rate and exceptional sensitivity.
In addition to the standard suite of features and modes, the PI-MAX4:EM family of cameras
can easily be configured to operate in the following modes:
• emICCD Mode;
• ICCD Mode;
• Photon Counting – Thresholding Mode;
• Integration – Clipping Mode,
• Kinetics Mode.
14.1 Electron Multiplication
Electron Multiplication (EM) is a sensitivity enhancing technique for CCDs that utilizes a
specialized frame transfer CCD known as an Electron-Multiplying CCD (EMCCD.) Within
its array, an EMCCD includes a second, extended serial register (typically called a
Multiplication Register) through which electrons travel while having a higher than normal
CCD clock voltage applied. Secondary electrons are then released within the register’s
silicon as a result of impact ionization.
The block diagram in Figure 14-1 illustrates this dual serial output register configuration.