Chapter 13 PI-MAX4: 1024i-RF and RF Modulation 187
Figure 13-2: SuperSYNCHRO Timing Expander: Repetitive Gating Mode
Select Repetitive as the Gating Mode and begin entering the setup information.
6. Use the hyperlinks at the top of the expanded panel to make any changes to the
intensifier settings, trigger settings, phosphor decay delay time, number of frames, and
readout mode.
7. When using camera-generated internal triggers for RF modulation acquisition, enter the
Internal Trigger Frequency.
8. To have trigger output from the SyncMASTER1 and SyncMASTER2 connectors on the
AUX I/O cable, click on the
SyncMASTER ON button. When SyncMASTER is
enabled, the output of the
SyncMASTER1 connector will be at the Internal Trigger
. The SyncMASTER2 output will be at the same frequency but can be
delayed. The available range for this delay is 0 to 6553500 ns in 100 ns increments.
The blue SyncMASTER1 and black of SyncMASTER2 cables
are used to differentiate these output signals when they are
shown on the SuperSYNCHRO timing diagram.
9. Enter the Modulation Duration, Modulation Frequency, and Modulation Phase
10. To drive an RF amplifier via the User RF Out connector on the back of the
PI-MAX4: 1024i-RF, click on the
User RF Output ON button. Then select the
appropriate frequency and amplitude level (V
.) Note that the User RF Output must
be connected to a 50 load (standard for RF.)
11. If required, set up AUX Output trigger.
12. Verify that the I.I.T. Power switch on the rear of the PI-MAX4: 1024i-RF is turned ON
Enable Intensifier has been checked on the Common Acquisition Settings
13. When the experiment is ready, click on the Acquire button.