4 System Manual Issue 4
8. If the photocathode will be cooled, connect the supplied PVC tubing
to the hose barb on the front of the camera and to a
chilled dry
nitrogen source.
9. Turn the PI-MAX4 power supply ON.
10. Turn on the computer and launch either LightField or WinX.
When the computer boots, it may prompt for the location of interface
Section 3.8, Configure Default
Camera System Parameters, on
page 44
• LightField
When LightField launches, it will detect the camera and
automatically place its icon in the
Available Devices area.
When you move that icon to the
Experiment Devices area, the
default parameters will automatically be loaded into the
LightField Users Manual (PDF)
This is available in the
Documents subdirectory of the
location where LightField was
• WinX
If this is the first time using a WinX application, the Camera
Detection wizard will automatically run. This wizard retrieves
information from the camera and enters this information as the
default parameters for the system.
WinView User Manual,
document number 4411-0046
WinSpec User Manual,
document number 4411-0048
11. Verify the hardware setup information and, if necessary, edit the
parameters. Enter the pulser information. Enter the experiment setup
parameters. If using a spectrograph, enter or edit that setup
LightField User Manual,
document number 4411-0125
WinView User Manual,
document number 4411-0046
WinSpec User Manual,
document number 4411-0048
12. Set the target array temperature. The typical target temperature is
Section 5.5.3, Setting the
Temperature, on page 67
13. When the system reaches temperature lock, begin acquiring data in
focus mode.
Section 4.6.4, Initial Data
Acquisition, on page 59.
14. Adjust the focus for the best image or spectral lines.
• When using LightField, use the Align Spectrometer function.
• When using WinSpec/32, use the Focus Helper function.
Appendix E, C- and F-Mount
Information, on page 281;
Appendix F, Spectrograph
Mount Information, on
page 285.
Table 2-1: PI-MAX4 System Installation Procedure (Sheet 2 of 2)
For additional information, refer