240 PI-MAX
4 System Manual Issue 4
16.2.5 Error LED
Red LED indicator to warn of excessive repetition rate. Must be off for proper operation.
With the PI-MAX4, the Error LED is also activated by MCP
bracket pulsing. The MCP bracket repetition rate limit is
6.25 kHz.
16.2.6 Fan
Ventilation fan that runs continuously to remove heat generated by the thermoelectric cooler
and the electronics. Air is drawn into the camera through the rear grill, picks up the heat
from the electronics and the cooler, and is then exhausted through the side ventilation slots.
16.2.7 Gig-E
This is a standard female RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet connector.
16.2.8 I.I.T. PWR On/Off Switch
This switch biases the image intensifier photocathode ON or OFF.
When the I.I.T. switch is set to
ON, the photocathode can be gated ON.
Make note of the following exception:
In WinSpec, selecting
SAFE on the Experiment Setup —>
screen overrides control and will prevent the
photocathode from being biased on regardless of the I.I.T.
switch setting.
When the I.I.T. switch is set to
OFF, then the photocathode cannot be turned on from software.
It is strongly advised that the I.I.T. switch be set to OFF as a
fail-safe measure when the camera remains ON but will be
unused for a period of time.