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Copyright 2012-2015 Princeton Instruments, a division of Roper Scientific, Inc.
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Revision History
Issue Date List of Changes
4 September 11, 2014 Issue 4 of this document incorporates the following changes:
• Added information about the 1024EM and 1024EM(B) cameras.
3 October 11, 2013 Issue 3 of this document incorporates the following changes:
• Added Section, Custom, which details the use of custom RF gating
in LightField for PI-MAX4: 1024i-RF systems;
• Added PI-MAX4: 2048f information;
• Updated Appendix A, Technical Specifications;
• Added Section A.5, CCD Specifications.
2 July 24, 2013 Issue 2 of this document incorporates the following changes:
• Added Chapter 14, PI-MAX4: EM Family, and other EM-supporting
information throughout the document;
• Updated the Declarations of Conformity.
1.B February 11, 2013 Issue 1.B of this document incorporates the following changes:
• Editorial, graphic, and global nomenclature updates.
1.A February 27, 2012 This is the initial release of this document