208 PI-MAX
4 System Manual Issue 4
14.1.2 EM Gain Mode
In EM Gain mode, the PI-MAX4: EM family supports two additional modes of operation
(i.e., Optimal and Manual.) Depending on the specific mode selected, the available set of
mode-specific configuration parameters is automatically updated within LightField. Optimal
This is the default mode and is recommended for most applications.
In Optimal mode, camera gain is set by configuring only one parameter, em
which is located on the
Common Acquisition Settings expander as part of the Intensifier
configuration settings block. SeeFigure 14-4.
Figure 14-4: Typical emICCD Gain Configuration Field
The desired gain may be specified manually using the keyboard, or adjusted using the scroll
wheel and/or the Up/Down arrows provided.
Valid gain settings are whole numbers between 1 and 10,000 (inclusive,) where:
• 1x corresponds to no gain and the camera performs as a standard high-speed CCD
with rather high read noise.
• 10000x is the maximum gain setting.
Gain values are mapped non-linearly to the internal serial clock voltages that vary the
multiplication gain resulting in an approximate 1:1 relationship between desired/configured
gain setting and actual gain.
Once a value for emICCD Gain has been selected, LightField then uses a complex
algorithm to automatically select the best combination/ratio of Intensifier and EM gain
values to provide the best possible signal-to-noise ratio.