102 Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website
6.6.5. Software Packages
A software package is the smallest essential ingredient of any Red Hat Enterprise Linux system. Pack-
ages, commonly known as RPMs because of their oversight by RPM Package Manager, are the pieces
of software that, when installed, enable your system to operate. Packages are grouped by channels to
help you more easily determine which are applicable to your systems.
These packages can be retrieved in one of two ways: by direct install or through download. Software Package Install
Only software packages included in a system’s subscribed channels can be installed or updated on
that system.
To apply Errata Updates, refer to Section Apply Errata Updates. To upgrade and install pack-
ages through the Systems category, use the Packages tab of the System Details page. Refer to Section System Details for instructions.
— Within the Channels category, you may install an individual package on multiple entitled
systems by following these steps:
1. Select Channels => Software Channels from the top and left navigation bars.
2. Click on the name of the channel that contains the package to be installed.
3. On the Software Channel Details page, click on the Packages tab.
4. Click on the name of the package you want to install.
5. On the Package Details page, click on the Target Systems tab.
6. Select the entitled systems you want to install the package on.
7. Click on the Install Packages button.
8. Confirm the action.
9. The action is added to the Pending Actions list under the Schedule tab in the top navigation
bar. Package Download
If you do not want to schedule a package installation, you can download the packages immediately. If
you download the packages, you must install them manually.
To download packages through the Systems category, refer to Section System Details.
To download individual RPMs and SRPMs through the Channels category, follow these steps:
1. Select Channels => Software Channels from the top and left navigation bars.
2. Click on the name of the channel that contains the package to be downloaded.
3. On the Software Channel Details page, click on the Packages tab.
4. Click on the name of the package that you want to download.
5. On the Package Details page, click the Download RPM or Download SRPM link on the
bottom right-hand corner.
6. Confirm the action.
The next stepis to install the packages manually. Refer toSection Manual Package Installation
for details.