172 Appendix C. Probes
insensitive. A CRITICAL status is returned if this value is not found.
Requirements — The Red Hat Network Monitoring Daemon (rhnmd) must be running on the moni-
tored system to execute this probe. For this probe to run, the nocpulse user must be granted read
access to your log files.
Field Value
Oracle Hostname or IP address*
Oracle SID*
Oracle Username*
Oracle Password*
Oracle Port* 1521
ORACLE_HOME* /opt/oracle
Expected DB Name*
Timeout* 30
Table C-52. Oracle::Client Connectivity settings
C.9.6. Oracle::Data Dictionary Cache
The Oracle::Data Dictionary Cache probe computes the Data Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio so as to
optimize the SHARED_POOL_SIZE in init.ora. It collects the following metrics:
• Data Dictionary Hit Ratio — The ratio of cache hits to cache lookup attempts in the data dictionary
cache. In other words, the rate the database goes to the dictionary instead of the hard disk to retrieve
data. A low ratio suggests more RAM should be added to the system.
• Gets — The number of blocks accessed via single block gets (not through the consistent get mech-
• Cache Misses — The number of accesses made to the block buffer to retrieve data in a consistent
Field Value
Oracle SID*
Oracle Username*
Oracle Password*
Oracle Port* 1521
Timeout* 30
Warning Minimum Data Dictionary Hit Ratio
Critical Minimum Data Dictionary Hit Ratio
Table C-53. Oracle::Data Dictionary Cache settings