114 Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website User Details
Details —
The username, first name, last name, email address, and user roles for the user. All of this information
is modifiable. To do so, make your changes and click the Update button. Remember, when changing
a user’s password, you will see only asterisks as you type the password.
While it is possible for one Organization Administrator to remove Organization Administrator rights
from another user, it is impossible to remove Organization Administrator rights from the sole re-
maining Organization Administrator. It is possible to remove your own Organization Administrator
privileges so long as you are not the last Organization Administrator.
To assign a user a new role, select the appropriate checkbox. Remember that Organization Admin-
istrators are automatically granted administration access to all other roles, signified by grayed-out
checkboxes. To grant a user the ability to manage the configuration of systems, select the Configura-
tion Administrator checkbox. When satisfied with the changes, click Update. User Details
System Groups —
List of system groups that the user may administer. To add or remove system groups from a user’s ad-
ministration, select or unselect the appropriate checkboxes and click the Update Permissions button.
In addition, you may establish default system groups for the user to capture all systems registered by
that user. To do this, select the default group or groups from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the
page. Then click the Update Defaults button. An asterisk appears next to the names of the defaults in
the dropdown menu. User Details
Systems —
List of systems that the user can administer. These systems come from the system groups assigned
to the user on the previous tab. To add systems to the System Set Manager, select them and click the
Update button. Clicking the name of a system takes you to its System Details page. Refer to Section System Details for more information. User Details
Channel Permissions —
Subscription and management options set in these subtabs (which correspond with similar tabs on the
Channel Details and Managed Channel Details pages): User Details
Channel Permissions Subscription —
Identifies channels the user may subscribe systems to. To change these, select or unselect the appro-
priate checkboxes and click the Update Permissions button. Note that channels subscribable through
the user’s admin status or the channel’s global setting cannot be altered. They are identified with a
check icon. User Details
Channel Permissions Management —
Identifies channels the user may manage. To change these, select or unselect the appropriate check-
boxes and click the Update Permissions button. This status does not enable the user to create new
channels. Note that channels automatically manageable through the user’s admin status cannot be al-
tered. They are identified with a check icon. Remember, Organization Administrators and Channel
Administrators can subscribe to or manage any channel.