Appendix C. Probes 165
Field Value
SMTP Port* 25
Timeout* 10
Critical Maximum Remote Service Latency
Warning Maximum Remote Service Latency
Table C-40. Network Services::Mail Transfer (SMTP) settings
C.8.5. Network Services::Ping
The Network Services::Ping probe determines if the RHN Server can ping the monitored system or a
specified IP address. It will also check the packet loss and compare the round trip average against the
Warning and Critical threshold levels. The required Packets to send value allows you to control how
many ICMP ECHO packets are sent to the system. This probe collects the following metrics:
• Round-Trip Average — The time it takes in milliseconds for the ICMP ECHO packet to go to and
from the monitored system.
• Packet Loss — The percent of data lost in transit.
Although optional, the IP Address field can be instrumental in collecting metrics for systems that
have multiple IP addresses. For instance, if the system is configured with multiple virtual IP addresses
or uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to support internal and external IP addresses, this option
may be used to check a secondary IP address, rather than the primary address associated with the
Note that this probe conducts the ping from an RHN Server and not the monitored system. So popu-
lating the IP Address field does not test connectivity between the system and the specified IP address
but between the RHN Server and the IP address. Therefore, entering the same IP address for Ping
probes on different systems accomplishes precisely the same task. To conduct a ping from a moni-
tored system to an individual IP address, use the Remote Ping probe instead. Refer to Section C.8.7
Network Services::Remote Ping.
Field Value
IP Address (defaults to system IP)
Packets to send* 20
Timeout* 10
Critical Maximum Round-Trip Average
Warning Maximum Round-Trip Average
Critical Maximum Packet Loss
Warning Maximum Packet Loss
Table C-41. Network Services::Ping settings
C.8.6. Network Services::POP Mail
The Network Services::POP Mail probe determines if it can connect to the POP3 port on the system.
Specifying another port number (which is required) will override the default port 110. This probe