64 Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website FAQ
The FAQ page lists Frequently Asked Questions and answers to those questions. These are broken
down into the following categories, each represented by a separate button and page: TopTen, General,
Account Management, Getting Started, Service Levels, Using RHN, Technical Questions, Manage-
ment Service, Privacy/Legal, Policies, Definitions, and All. Reference Guide
The Reference Guide page takes you to this same document, the most comprehensive set of instruc-
tions for using Red Hat Network. Note that links to other technical guides may also appear in the left
navigation bar, depending on the entitlement level and product offering of the account with which you
logged in. Contact RHN
The Contact RHN page provides methods by which customers may obtain help. Specifically, logged
out users have access to the FAQ, Customer Service email address, and rhn-users mailing list. Logged
in Demo customers have access to the above, as well as an online form that can be submitted to rhn-
feedback or the Customer Service address. Logged in paid users have access to all of the above. In
addition, the online form enables them to submit requests for technical support.
The Customer Service address handles billing and purchasing questions, while the rhn-users list en-
ables customers to help one another. The rhn-feedback address collects customer input and provides
an auto response, but nothing more. The technical support form ensures the customer will get a per-
sonalized and helpful response in a timely manner. Terms & Conditions
The Terms & Conditions pagedisplays the RHNNetwork Services Use andSubscription Agreement. Outage Policy
The Outage Policy page identifies scheduled maintenance windows for Red Hat Network and pro-
vides the means to subscribe to the Email Outage List (rhn-outage-list@redhat.com) to be notified of
emergency and other unscheduled outages. Release Notes
The Release Notes page lists the notes accompanying every recent release of Red Hat Network. These
notes describe all significant changes occurring in a given release cycle, from major enhancements to
the user interface to minor changes to the related documentation. Get RHN Software
The RHN Software page provides direct links to the Red Hat Update Agent and Red Hat Network
Registration Client for every supported distribution. In addition, it describes how to resolve expired
Secure Sockets Layers (SSL)certificates if you are using anolder version of Red HatEnterprise Linux
that shipped with a certificate that is now expired.