Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website 69
• Include system in daily summary report calculations — This setting includes the system in
a daily summary of system events. (By default, all Management and Provisioning systems are
included in the summary.) These are actions affecting packages, such as scheduled Errata Updates,
and systemreboots or failures to check in. Inaddition to including the systemhere, you mustchoose
to receive email notifications in the Your Preferences page of the Your RHN category. Refer to
Section 6.3.2 Your Preferences for instructions. Note that RHN will send these summaries only to
verified email addresses.
• Automatic application of relevant errata — This setting allows you have all Errata Updates auto-
matically applied to a system. This means packages associated with Errata will be updated without
any user intervention. Customers should note that Red Hat does not recommend the use of the
auto-update feature for production systems because conflicts between packages and environments
can cause system failures. The Red Hat Network Daemon must be enabled on the systems for this
feature to work. System Details
Details Hardware
Detailed information about the system, including networking, BIOS, storage, and other devices. This
appears only if you selected to include the hardware profile for this machine during registration. If
the hardware profile looks incomplete or outdated, click the Schedule Hardware Refresh button to
schedule a Hardware Profile update for your system. The next time the RHN Daemon connects to
RHN, it will update your System Profile with the latest list of hardware. System Details
Details Notes
A place to create notes about the system. To add a new note, click the create new note button, type
a subject and details, and click the Create button. To modify a note, click on its subject in the list of
notes, make your changes, and click the Update button. To remove a note, click on its subject in the
list of notes and then click the delete note button. System Details
Details Custom Info —
Completely customizable information about the system. Unlike a note, information included here is
more formal and can be searched upon. For instance, you may decide to identify an asset tag for each
system. To do this, you must first create an asset key within the Custom System Info page. Refer
to Section 6.4.9 Custom System Info — for instructions. Once the key exists, you may assign a
value to it by clicking create new value here. Click the name of the key in the resulting list and enter
a value for it in the Description field, such as "Example#456." Then click the Update Key button. System Details Details Reactivation —
A SystemProfile-specific activation key. Thisallows you tocreate an activation key encompassing this
system’s ID, history, groups, and channels. You may then use this key only once with the rhnreg_ks
command line utility to re-register this system and regain all Red Hat Network settings. Refer to
Section 2.5 Registering with Activation Keys for instructions. Unlike typical activation keys, which
are not associated with a specific system ID, keys created here do not show up within the Activation
Keys page.
When kickstarting a system with its existing RHN profile, it will use the system-specific activation key
created here to reregister the system and return its other RHN settings. For this reason, you should