
Chapter 5.
Red Hat Network Registration Client
Before you begin using Red Hat Network, you need to create a username, password, and System
Profile. The Red Hat Network Registration Client walks you through this process.
Only systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 need to use this separate Red Hat Network
Registration Clientbefore starting theRed HatUpdate Agent.Systems running RedHat Enterprise
Linux 3 have this registration functionality built into the Red Hat Update Agent. After registering your
system, refer to Chapter 2 Red Hat Update Agent for instructions on starting the Red Hat Update
Agent and begin steps listed in Section 2.3 Setup and Use.
5.1. Configuring the Red Hat Network Registration Client
To start the graphical interface for configuring the application to connect through an HTTP proxy
server, type the following command at a shell prompt:
rhn_register --configure
The window shown in Figure 5-1 will appear.
Figure 5-1. Red Hat Network Registration Client Configuration
To start the command line version, use the command:
rhn_register --nox --configure