Appendix C. Probes 181
• Processes — The number of processes running simultaneously on the machine.
Field Value
Critical Maximum Processes
Warning Maximum Processes
Table C-70. RHN Satellite Server::Processes settings
C.10.9. RHN Satellite Server::Process Health
The RHN Satellite Server::Process Health probe monitors customer-specified processes and collects
the following metrics:
• CPU Usage — The CPU usage percent for a given process.
• Child Process Groups — The number of childprocesses spawned from the specified parent process.
A child process inherits most of its attributes, such as open files, from its parent.
• Threads — The number of running threads for a given process. A thread is the basic unit of CPU
utilization, and consists of a program counter, a register set, and a stack space. A thread is also
called a lightweight process.
• Physical Memory Used — The amount of physical memory in kilobytes being used by the specified
• Virtual Memory Used — The amount of virtual memory in kilobytes being used by the specified
process, or the size of the process in real memory plus swap.
Specify the process by either command name or process I.D. (PID). Entering a PID will override the
entry of a command name. If no command name or PID is entered, the error Command not found
will be displayed and the probe will be set to a CRITICAL state.
Field Value
Command Name
Process ID (PID) file
Timeout* 15
Critical Maximum CPU Usage
Warning Maximum CPU Usage
Critical Maximum Child Process Groups
Warning Maximum Child Process Groups
Critical Maximum Threads
Warning Maximum Threads
Critical Maximum Physical Memory Used
Warning Maximum Physical Memory Used
Critical Maximum Virtual Memory Used
Warning Maximum Virtual Memory Used