
Chapter 2. Red Hat Update Agent 19
Before you proceed, however, you should consider ensuring you have the latest version of the Red
Hat Update Agent, as development on it is continuous. This task is as simple as running the tool
against its own package. Shut down the GUI version and run this command in a terminal (as root),
like so:
up2date up2date
2.3.1. Choosing a Software Channel
The first step is to select the channel from which you want the updated packages to be retrieved. After
you send your System Profile, the Channels screen (Figure 2-14) appears. Select the appropriate
base channel and click Forward to continue. The Red Hat Update Agent offers only the channels
enabled for the system in RHN (or your RHN Satellite Server). Refer to Section 6.6 Channels for
more information on channels and how channels are used to determine which packages are installed.
Figure 2-14. Channels
2.3.2. Choosing Packages to Update
After clicking Forward, the dialog box in Figure 2-15 will appear. This means a connection to Red
Hat Network is being established and your customized list of updates is being retrieved. This might
take some time, depending on the speed of your connection and the number of packages you have