Preface Contents of the manual
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 3
Contents of the manual
Chapter “Short description of the document printer“
This chapter briefly lists the hardware components of the document printer and
outlines the application areas of the printer.
Chapter “Programming interface (General)”
This chapter outlines the basic principle of logical communication between an
application and the printer via ESC sequences. The functions of the multifunctio-
nal document printer are described using examples.
Chapter “Standard commands”
All the Epson- compatible control commands of the document printer are descri-
bed here. Exceptions are the character set and graphics commands, which will
be explained in subsequent chapters.
In particular, the commands for the following application areas are described:
– Controlling the configuration of the printer
– Setting the page and line constants
– Vertical and horizontal tabulation
– Setting the print quality and the character size
– Highlighting parts of the text by setting a suitable print mode (e. g. bold print, un-
derlining, superscript, subscript, etc.).
Chapter “Character set commands”
The emphasis of this chapter is on the setting of characters defined by the user with
the description of the relevant commands. In addition, the commands for switching
over between character sets are described (for example, standard character set, gra-
phics character set, national character sets)
Chapter “Graphics commands”
This chapter describes commands used to print drawings, diagrams or pictures
as dot graphics. The basic principle is to encrypt the individual picture dots as a
series of numbers and to transfer them to the printer.