Document printer specifications Programming interface (General)
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Document printer specifications
Business procedures or transactions in a financial institution involve a series of
manual and program activities, e. g., the insertion and removal of documents
and passbooks or the entry of deposits and withdrawals, bank code and account
number. These processes are supported by special banking periphery and the
appropriate programs. The printer processing includes, for example, voucher
prints on documents and passbooks.
Standardly or optionally the document printer has features with which
– documents or passbooks can be processed
– magnetic stripes can be read and written on.
Additional special commands are available for programming:
– positioning commands
– control signals
– control of the MSR functions
– special functions.
The analysis of the document printer responses, which provide information
about the present status of the printer or contain data on the program, is also re-
levant here:
– status of the printer after the appearance of exceptional conditions like errors,
operating interruptions or operating panel entries (status signals of the printer,
which can appropriately be acted upon in the program)
– receiving requested data.