Additional commands (Printer) Important notes on document processing
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 185
Position 0 after ESC l (n)
The horizontal print position 0 changes if a left margin was set by means of the
standard command ESC l (n). In this case, the left edge (= horizontal print posi-
tion 0) is displaced to the right by the value n. This must be taken into conside-
ration when calculating the actual print position 0 according to the following table
(printing unit width 90/10 inch):
Vertical positioning
The vertical print position is the distance from the top or bottom edge of the do-
cument to the base line of the character.
Positioning of the first printing line
The vertical first print position can be set in an area from 10/60 inch (line 1) to
80/60 inch (line 8) via the operating panel. The default setting is 30/60 inch (line
3) with a line reference of 10/60 inch. This position is valid after a document ejec-
tion (FF) but can be overwritten by means of positioning commands at any time.
Left margin
Position 0
On left
On left
On right
On right
Left edge of document
Left edge of document + n
Right edge of document -printing unit width
Right edge of document -printing unit width + n