Electronic Journal Functions Additional commands (Printer)
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Journal printing
The data in the journal memory can be printed on the print station using the
JOURNAL menu (single sheet or feeder).
– The DIN-A4 format is always used for the printout.
– Font attribute DQ 15 cpi, 8 lpi.
– Font attributes are always ignored.
An unprintable margin of 2 cm is provided on each side of the journal for filing
holes. An identifier for the page numbers and a hint on the following pages (e.g.
Page 5 of 17) are printed on the bottom of each page.
Error situation exception handling
When the printer is switched off while printing the journal data, or a print error
occurs, the data is not lost, but the complete print process must be repeated.
When the memory is filled by approx. 95%, the status message ’End-of-paper
journal’ is generated.
When the journal memory is filled completely, the error message ’End-of-paper
journal’ is generated. Any subsequent attempt to print data on the journal will be
rejected with the same error message. Print jobs can still be carried out on the
document station.
Because the print data is stored in compressed form, it is not possible to provide
an exact specification of the memory behavior. In typical applications, a capacity
of 3,000 to 6,000 print lines can be achieved.
Technical data - memory:
– 128 KB usable memory volume.
– 10 years guaranteed data retention without power supply.
– 100,000 guaranteed delete/programming cycles.
– Partial deletion of data not possible.