Command table Appendix
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Definition of barcode printing for T5023
Escape sequence
The definition for barcode printing is:
Prints barcode according to the characteristics defined by the following parame-
ters. The ’;’ separates the parameters. The final code (’*’ ’r’) closes the parame-
ter part. The barcode data is enclosed with STX (start of text) and ETX (end of
The values in the parameter part are listed below. Only the listed values are
valid! The range of every parameter is 1 to 4 digit. For example 5 can be send
as 5, 05, 005 or 0005 and has allways the same value.
Barcode type
The parameter ’m’ defines the following barcode types:
m Barcode type
5 CODE39 (lower case bar code data ’a’..’z’ is automatic set to
upper case ’A’..’Z’).
7 2/5 INTERLEAVED (a odd number of bar code data is automa-
tic filled with a leading zero).
If one wrong data found in barcode data, nothing will be printed and the printer
shows ’wrong order’.
Barcode height
The parameter ’h’ defines the barcode height:
h Barcode height
00 DEFAULT (at least 5 mm or 15 % of Barcode length [**]).
01 - 10 Height as number h of passes [*]
ESC [ m ; h ; z ; n * r STX (data) ETX
1B 5B 3X 3B 3X 3X 3B 3X 3X 3B 3X 2A 72 02 (data) 03