Appendix Command table
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 297
Command table
Command table for Epson ANSI emulation
Command ASCII hex Function
* BEL 07 Signal tone
BS 08 Backspace of one character
HT 09 Horizontal tabulation
LF 0A Line feed
VT 0B Vertical tabulation
FF 0C Sheet ejection
CR 0D Carriage return
SO 0E Switching on elongated print for one
SI 0F Switching on condensed print
DC 1 11
Printer online
DC 2 12 Switching off condensed print
DC 3 13
Printer offline
DC 4 14 Switching off elongated print
CAN 18 Deleting a character
DEL 7F Deleting a line
ESC SO 1B 0E Switching on elongated print for one
ESC SI 1B 0F Switching on condensed print
ESC EM (n) 1B 19 n Paper control
ESC SP (n) 1B 20 n Determining the character spacing
ESC ! (n) 1B 21 n Selection of combined print mode
ESC # 1B 23 Deleting the MSB specification
ESC $ (n) (m) 1B 24 n m Horizontal positioning (absolute)