Additional commands (Printer) Status and error messages
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 225
This status signals an operating termination. It can only be cleared by means of
manual intervention on the printer. All jobs not carried out up to the termination
are cancelled. There are two groups of errors:
– Hardware errors
The most common cause of the error status is a hardware error. If this error
is only restricted to a subfunction of the printer (for example, MSR), it can be
ignored by pressing the STOP key. The printing unit is then able to work until
an attempt is made to use this defective subfunction again.
– Application errors
Errors of the documents must here be seen as special cases, as such errors
are caused by the user himself and can also be eliminated by him. Such a
case occurs, for example, if there is an attempt to print or read a document
outside its physical limits.
The cause of all errors is shown on the LCD of the document printer (see the
“List of error messages” in the appendix of this manual).
’Break’ function
The document printer reacts to a ’break’ in the printer interface with the transfer
of a global printer status and the response ’Printing unit parameters’ on the basis
of which the key information on the printer configuration can be recognized (see
description CSI n;...; n8 # z). If the global printer status is ONLINE, the receive
buffer is also cleared and the default parameters of the emulation are set.
The ’break’ function can be used to check whether the printer connected to the
printer interface is switched on and in which status it is at the time.
The ’break’ should not be used to query the status during running ope-
ration. Status changes are automatically indicated by the document