Appendix Command table
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 299
Command ASCII hex Function
ESC E 1B 45 Switching on bold print
ESC F 1B 46 Switching off bold print
ESC G 1B 47 Switching on double impact print
ESC H 1B 48 Switching off double impact print
ESC J (n) 1B 4A n Carrying out an n/180 inch line feed
ESC K (n) (m) 1B 4B n m Switching on the graphics mode
’single density’
ESC L (n) (m) 1B 4C n m Switching on the graphics mode
’double density’
ESC M 1B 4D Selecting the character size 12 cpi
ESC N (n) 1B 4E n Setting the bottom margin
ESC O 1B 4F Deleting the bottom margin
ESC P 1B 50 Selecting the character size 10 cpi
ESC Q (n) 1B 51 n Determining the right margin
ESC R (n) 1B 52 n Selecting a national character set
ESC S (n) 1B 53 n Switching on superscript/subscript
ESC T 1B 54 Switching off superscript/subscript
ESC U (n) 1B 55 n Unidirectional print mode on/off
ESC W (n) 1B 57 n Switching elongated print on/off
ESC Y (n) (m) 1B 59 n m Switching on the graphics mode
’double density and double rate’
ESC Z (n) (m) 1B 5A n m Switching on the graphics mode
’quadruple density’
ESC [ n ! p 1B 5B n 21 70 Absolute vertical positioning (from
the top)
ESC [ n ! q 1B 5B n 21 71 Change between document and
journal printing
ESC [ n # p 1B 5B n 23 70 Relative vertical positioning
ESC [ n " p 1B 5B n 22 70 Absolute vertical positioning (from
the bottom)