Application examples Processing of a blank form
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 243
Program steps (annotated)
1. Switching on LQ mode
Command: ESC x (n)
Parameter: n = 1 (LQ mode)
2. Switching on proportional spacing
Command: ESC p (n)
Parameter: n = 1 (proportional spacing on)
Remarks: With proportional spacing setting the charac-
ter width is unnecessary.
3. Setting line spacing
Command: ESC 2 (1/6 inch)
Remarks: This command is not actually necessary for
the example as 1/6 inch line spacing is the de-
fault value.
4. Determining the document length
Command: ESC C (n)
Parameter: n = 72 (number of lines)
Remarks: With line spacing of 1/6 inch and 72 lines, a
document length of 12 inches results. This
corresponds to the default value of the docu-
ment printer. Therefore
this program step could
also be omitted.
Determining the left margin
Command: ESC l (n)
Parameter: n = 12 (position 12 with 10 cpi, default = 0)