Command table Appendix
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Command ASCII hex Function
ESC % (n) 1B 25 n Switching on/ off the character set
defined by the user
ESC & (s) (n) (m) 1B 26 s n m Transferring the character definitions
ESC * (s) (n) (m) 1B 2A s n m Selecting graphics mode
ESC + (n) 1B 2B n Selecting n/360 inch line spacing
ESC - (n) 1B 2D n Switching underlining on/ off
ESC / (c) 1B 2F c Selecting a vertical tab channel
ESC 0 1B 30 Selecting 1/8 inch line spacing
ESC 2 1B 32 Selecting 1/6 inch line spacing
ESC 3 (n) 1B 33 n Selecting 1/180 inch line spacing
ESC 4 1B 34 Switching on italic print
ESC 5 1B 35 Switching off italic print
ESC 6 1B 36 Switching on the character set
ESC 7 1B 37 Switching off the character set
ESC : NUL (n)
1B 3A 00 n 00 Copying the character set into the
ESC < 1B 3C Selecting unidirectional printing for
one line
ESC = 1B 3D Setting the MSB to 0
ESC > 1B 3E Setting the MSB to 1
ESC ? (m) (s) 1B 3F m s Reassigning graphics commands
ESC @ 1B 40 Initializing the printer
ESCA(n) 1B41n Selectingn/60inchlinespacing
ESC B ... NUL 1B 42 ... 00 Determining/deleting vertical tabs
(channel 0)
ESC C (n) 1B 43 n Determining the document length at
n lines
ESC C NUL (n) 1B 43 00 n Determining the document length at
n inches
ESC D ... NUL 1B 44 ...00 Determining/ deleting horizontal tabs