Chinese Characters in the Passbook/Document Printer Appendix
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
GB 2312-80 / GB 5007 / GB 5199
The character set Guo Biao (GB) 2312-80 is a static 2-byte code for the People’s
Republic of China. it contains a total of 6763 characters and forms the basis set
for the simplified Chinese. In addition to the Chinese Characters the character
set Guo Biao includes the Latin, Greek and Russian alphabet, Japanese and
Korean characters, and symbols and line elements.
The character sets GB 5007 and GB 5199 use partially different characters in
the address area A1/A1
to A9/FE
than the character set GB2312-80. The
character pool and the addressing of the Chinese characters are, however,
Font type
The font type FANG SONG is used to represent the Chinese characters on the
address area B0/A1
to FE/ FE
Font number
The font numbers ranging from 0 to 100 are provided for the fonts with the
character addresses A1A1
The font numbers 101 to 200 should be used for character sets with an extensive
addressing which may not be sequential (BIG5).
A1A1 - A9FE Latin, Greek, Russian, Japanese and Korean
characters, symbols, graphics
AAA1 - AFFE Empty
B0A1 - F7FE Chinese characters
F8A1 - FEFE Empty
Font Font No.
GB2312 symbols 1
GB5007 symbols 2
GB5199 symbols 3
GB.... Simplified Chinese FANGSONG 10
BIG5 Traditional Chinese 101