Specifying input parameters
2-30 Using LCDS Print Description Language
KCODE command: point to note
The DBCODE command can be used in the same manner as
PCC command
Enables you to create a table (or modify an existing standard
table) of one-byte printer carriage control codes and define their
NOTE: This command is ignored by the DP EPS for both
channel and TCP/IP processing. Carriage control (specifications
such as Skip to Channel, Print, or Space 2 Lines) is
accomplished by processing IBM channel commands, which
have specific, well defined carriage control interpretations.
However, if you specify the PCC command in a JSL created on
your system, you can transfer the JSL file to another laser
printing system for use with offline printing.
All line spacing, skipping to channel, and printing actions are
defined through this command.
You can optionally specify an identifier of the ac type (having at
least one alphabetic character) when defining the PCC table,
and reference this identifier in the LINE PCCTYPE parameter.
PCC command parameters
The following table summarizes the PCC command parameters.
Table 2-31. Summary of PCC command parameters
Parameter Specifies Online Offline DJDE
ADJUST Defines the printer action for two successive
channel skips
CONSTANT Specifies user-assigned carriage control code
exceptions to the default table.
RECORD FORMAT Selects a table of printer carriage control codes. N Y N
LENGTH Specifies the initial reference point for the first
carriage control command.
LMULT Makes inaccessible any unnecessary bits from
the printer carriage control byte.
LTHFLD Length of field containing record length Y N N