Specifying print format parameters
4-4 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Default STOP
parameter: points
to note
• The CONTINUE and ABORT options put the printer in
“Nonstop” mode. The STOP option puts the system in “Stop”
mode. Any abnormal condition that is detected, such as a
syntax error in a DJDE specification, a missing file referred to
by a DJDE, or an RTEXT or GRAPHIC error in either mode,
results in an appropriate error message being displayed. In
addition, during the Stop mode, the displayed error message
is followed by a DJDE error message to resume or cancel the
• If abnormal conditions are detected while processing DJDEs,
the DJDE parameter set containing the offending entry is set
up to print on the OPRINFO page and an error message is
• Errors detected while system is processing RTEXT data are
not reported to you.
• The graphics processing errors are reported separately on
the graphics exception page printed at the end of the report.
Table 4-5. ABNORMAL ERROR parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
CONTINUE Displays the normal system message defining the abnormal condition and
continues processing the report without applying the offending DJDE
parameter and without offering the operator the choice of resuming or
canceling the job.
ABORT Displays the message for the abnormal condition and aborts only the
report it is processing (not the entire job) without offering the operator the
choice of resuming or canceling the job.
STOP Displays the message for stop condition, the system stops processing the
report and waits for the operator to respond by resuming or canceling the
job from the Job Manager window.