PDL principles and procedures
Using LCDS Print Description Language 1-67
Table 1-12. xjdc command options
Option Definition
COMpile Compiles the JSL with printed sheets.
SCAn Scans the JSL only.
PRInt Generates a printed JSL.
NOPrint Generates a printed JSL only when it contains errors.
REPlace Specifies that an existing JDL file may be replaced by a new output file of the
same name. This is the default.
NOReplace Specifies that, if the new JSL has the same name as an existing one, the old
file is retained as a backup file and is given a “.backup” extension. REPLACE is
the default.
SINglebyte Specifies use of single byte character code and printer carriage control
translation files.
DOUblebyte Specifies use of double byte character code and printer carriage control
translation files.
TRUncate Restricts command lines in the JSL to the first 72 characters.
NOTruncate Accepts JSL command lines that are longer than 72 characters.
LABel Generates a 128 byte Xerox standard label.
NOLabel Suppresses the 128 byte Xerox standard label.
DISplay Displays all XJDC messages.
NODisplay Suppresses all XJDC messages.
Vx Software version number.
x = 10, 2, 35, 3615, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 3A, or M10
For DP EPS, the version number is M10.
(VM10 only)
Specifies the size of paper the job should print on.
DATe = d Specifies the date format.
PAGinate=n Specifies the number of lines per page.
n = 0 or 5 through 999 (0 specifies no pagination.)
OUTpath=p Specifies the base directory path for output files.
p = / foldername1 / foldername2 /...
The default is the current directory.