PDL principles and procedures
1-2 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Enabling PDL features and functions
To enable these functions, you enter PDL commands that do the
following for your print job:
• Describe the input (type, format, characteristics, and source)
• Define any logical or special processing functions to be
performed on selected text, pages, or copies
• Describe the output (type, format, font selection, accounting
options, and destination)
Each command has a set of parameters and parameter options
that are used to define the above characteristics of a print job.
PDL commands may be specified in the following ways:
• In a Job Source Library (JSL)
• As Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
Job Source
Libraries (JSLs)
One way to issue PDL job definition commands to your printing
system is to create a text file of these commands for your job.
The source (text, uncompiled) file of PDL commands is called a
“job source library” (JSL) file. The JSL file is then compiled by the
system to create an object file, called a “job descriptor library”
Each compiled JDL file is stored in a resource folder named
“lcds” that is located on the controller disk. The system accesses
the required JDL from the “lcds” folder when the operator
specifies it to start a job. When a job is sent from the host, the
printing system reads the specified JDL, from which it obtains
instructions on what fonts and forms to use when printing the job,
where to direct the printed output, and so forth.
Dynamic job
descriptor entries
Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs) are parameters
embedded within the input data stream. They modify the printing
environment established by a job descriptor entry (JDE) within a
JDL, as the job is printing. DJDEs allow page by page or record
by record modifications to your applications.
Most PDL commands are also available as DJDEs. (Refer to
“PDL command and DJDE summary” in appendix A for
information on which PDL commands have DJDE counterparts.)
In order to use DJDEs, you must specify an IDEN command in
the JSL to advise the system that DJDE records are included in
the input data stream and where to look for them.