Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
Using LCDS Print Description Language 5-13
Record oriented
Record oriented DJDEs take effect immediately at the next
record following the last record of the packet (set) of DJDE
records of which they are a part. After an END parameter, a
compiled record oriented DJDE takes effect immediately.
NOTE: The exception is the OVERPRINT DJDE, which takes
effect at the next logical page boundary if FONTINDEX has been
invoked in a JDE or DJDE.
Record oriented DJDEs also may appear at report boundaries to
change subsequent pages in a report (or report copy).
Table 5-5. Record oriented DJDEs
DJDE Function
ASSIGN Assigns a VFU channel to one or more line numbers on the logical page.
BOF Specifies the Bottom of Form (BOF) line number.
C (text) Allows comment text in the DJDE record.
DATA Specifies the location and length of printable data within an input record.
END Specifies the end of DJDE information.
EOF Stops downloading of a sixel encoded file to the system disk.
FILE Enables files to load onto the system disk while a print job is in progress.
LOGO Specifies the name and location of logos that will be printed on pages of a
LPI Specifies the line spacing values for each subsequent line.
OVERPRINT Provides instructions to the system for handling overprint lines (print lines
whose carriage control specifies printing with no line spacing after the last
printed line).
TOF Specifies the Top of Form (TOF) line number.