Specifying input parameters
2-36 Using LCDS Print Description Language
In the previous example, these codes were added to the
standard IBM1403 carriage control code table: X’40’ (Space 1
Line And Print), X’F1’ (Skip to Channel 1 And Print), and X’F8’
(Print And Skip to Channel 8).
RECORD command
Specifies the structure of the print record. (For online printing,
only the LENGTH parameter of this command is used. For offline
printing, the RECORD command has several additional
parameters that define the record structure.)
Record command parameters
The following table summarizes the RECORD command
Specifies an adjustment value that is added to or subtracted from
the contents of the record length field to determine the true
record length.
Syntax RECORD ADJUST = value
Table 2-37. Summary of RECORD command parameters
Parameter Specifies Offline Online DJDE
ADJUST Record length adjust value Y N N
CONSTANT Record termination code Y N N
RECORD FORMAT Length field recording mode Y N N
LENGTH Maximum logical record length Y Y N
LMULT Multiplication factor to determine record length Y N N
LTHFLD Length of field containing record length Y N N
OFFSET Location of record length field Y N N
POSTAMBLE Length of extraneous data at end of record Y N N
STRUCTURE Input record structure Y N N