Specifying print format parameters
4-54 Using LCDS Print Description Language
parameter: points
to note
• “FEED = stockreference” must refer to a stock assigned to a
stockname by the STOCKSET command that has been
specified for the report.
• The MAIN stock is the default for system generated pages
and is used if no SYSPAGE stock is specified.
• The DP EPS software comes with MAIN, AUX, and AUTO
stocks defined.
• If the OUTPUT FEED command and the RAUX command
specify two different stock names, RAUX has higher priority.
•The ‘stockname’ option bypasses the stock reference feature,
but it still requires that the stock name be specified in the
current STOCKSET command. (FEED=stockreference is the
recommended usage.)
Specifies a page descriptor entry (PDE) to be used in formatting
the printed output, such as location of starting print line for each
logical page on the physical page, font usage, and orientation.
Syntax OUTPUT FORMAT = pdeid
NOTE: To ensure readability, enter the entire parameter
FORMAT. Do not abbreviate to “FOR.”
Default FMT1
parameter: point
to note
Standard pdeids, such as FMT1 and FMT2, are defined in the
“PDE command” section, later in this chapter. These standard
PDEs are delivered with the printing system software and may
be used unless a specialized PDE is required. The choice of
active PDE may subsequently be replaced entirely or modified in
part through DJDEs.
Table 4-54. OUTPUT FORMAT parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
pdeid page descriptor entry identifier
References a page descriptor entry that was either defined previously in the
JDL or catalogued as a separate file in the “lcds” resources folder on disk.
Refer to “Coding a JSL” in the “PDL principles and procedures” chapter, for
information on creating and compiling PDE files using the XJDC processor.)