Using LCDS Print Description Language Glossary-5
dry ink Minute dry particles of resin and carbon black used to create
images. Dry ink can accept an electrical charge.
DSU digital signal unit
DSR disk save and restore
DTE data terminal equipment
dump session The online dump feature is a troubleshooting tool for print jobs,
allowing you to generate hardcopy of the command and data
transmission taking place between the host computer and the
printing system while a job is being transmitted and printed.
duplex printing Printing on both sides (front and back) of a page. See also
simplex printing.
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. Coded
character set consisting of 8-bit coded characters. It can
accommodate 256 characters.
edgemarking Use of graphic objects, usually lines or boxes, that bleed off the
edge of the physical page. See also physical page.
ENET Ethernet network
EOT end of tape
EP electronic publishing
ESS electronic subsystem, also referred to as the system controller
Ethernet Network system that allows data to be transmitted by cable from
one device to another, enabling it to share the network.
extended metrics Measurements used in Interpress to alter the size of fonts,
allowing more precision with character escapement. Used for
rendered characters.
FCB forms control buffer. Buffer for controlling the vertical format of
printed output.
FCP file control parameter
FDL forms description language. LPS-resident source language used
for designing electronic forms. See also FSL; form.
field 1. Part of a record that serves a similar function in all records of
that group, such as name and address field. 2. Area or setting of
practical activity or application.
FIS Font Interchange Standard. Standard that defines the digital
representation of fonts and character metrics for the generation
of an entire series of Interpress fonts.
fixed font Font containing characters with fixed spacing. See also
proportional font.